75028: Clone Turbo Tank
75029: AAT
75030: Millennium Falcon
75031: TIE Interceptor
75032: X-Wing Fighter
75033: Star Destroyer
75034: Death Star Troopers
75035: Kashyyyk Troopers
75036: Utapau Troopers
75037: Battle on Saleucami
75038: Jedi Interceptor
75039: V-Wing Starfighter
75040: General Grievous’ Wheel Bike
75041: Vulture Droid
75042: Droid Gunship
75043: AT-AP
75044: Droid Tri-Fighter
75045: Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon
75046: Coruscant Police Gunship
75048: The Phantom
75049: Snowspeeder
75050: B-Wing Fighter
75051: Jedi Scout Fighter
75052: Mos Eisley Cantina
75053: The Ghost
75054: AT-AT
75055: Imperial Star Destroyer
75058: MTT
75059: Sandcrawler
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